Friday, September 15, 2006

getting more traffic

Sorry I've not posted for a while, I was away on holiday and then my laptop packed in. Welcome to the 827 new people that have joined my newsletter.

By now hopefully you have started to write your first blog and have at least started to see some money come in. But if not, the reason may be because you aren't getting enough traffic. You see, setting up the blog and writing it is easy. The hard bit is getting people to come and visit your blog.

Fortunately there are methods that will get you more visitors. In fact there are dozens of them, but I'm just going to concentrate on one of the main ones at the moment.

That method is getting links. It's one of the easiest and best ways available. To be honest this can be a boring job, but is absolutely necessary if you want to make your blog popular (and profitable).

The first thing to do is find websites in your particular niche and simply email them and ask them to link to your blog. Just write them a friendly email and ask them nicely for a link. Tell them in return you will link back to their website. If you send out around 30 of these emails expect to get 8-10 with a positive response. Then just add their link to your blog. You can do this under the header links.

The next thing to do is go to and do a search for blogs that are similar to your own. Once you find a few, read them and then the important bit - leave a comment about the blog. Make the comment relevant to the post and at the end of it link back to YOUR own blog. Please don’t leave a comment like 'nice blog' and then a link back to your blog. People hate this as obviously you are only doing it for the link back - and 9 times out of 10 they will delete your comment. So make it RELEVANT!

You may ask is all this hassle of gaining link back worth it? The simple answer is - YES! You see, you get two benefits of links pointing back to your blog. The first one is you will get visitors through the links that are pointing to your blog. But the second benefit and arguably more important is the search engines will see these links back as like votes that your website is worth reading.

Generally the more links back the higher you will rank in the search engines. The higher you rank the more traffic you will get (more money).

One note of caution, I would always try and gain links back from blogs/websites that of similar topic. As getting links back from sites that are not relevant will in fact do you damage in the search engines rather than good.

Next post I will look at making money through affiliate networks.